Other Events:
17th WMCC 2000
9th WCCC 1999
16th WMCC 1999
15th WMCC 1997
14th WMCC 1996

ICC CCT4 2002
ICC CCT3 2001
ICC CCT2 2000
ICC CCT1 2000

WM History
by Mark Weeks

International Computer Chess Association


anything wrong?
mail it to
Volker Richey
Leiden 1995

15th Dutch Open
Computer Chess
Leiden 1995

November 4 - 5, 11 - 12 1995

Tournament Calendar
Leiden 2002
7th Computer Olympiad
Leiden 2001
Leiden 2002
18th WMCC 2001

ChessBits, Das informative Magazin rund um Schach mit dem Computer (German ComputerChess Magazin)
Replay zone (games)
Kasparov Chess
11 rounds swiss, 90 minutes for the first 60 moves, 60 minutes for the next 40 moves.

DOCCC-1995 Participants

  Program Author Country Hardware
1. The King Johan de Koning Netherlands Pentium 133MHz
2. Kallisto Bart Weststrate Netherlands Pentium 133MHz
3. Quest (Fritz) Frans Morsch Netherlands Pentium 133MHz
4. Arthur Walter Ravenek Netherlands M604 120MHz
5. Zarkov X John Stanback USA Pentium 100MHz
6. Schach 3.0 Thomas Kreitmair
Matthias Engelbach
Germany Pentium 133MHz
7. Dappet Peter Kouwenhoven
Dap Hartmann
Pentium 100MHz
8. Diep Vincent Diepeveen Netherlands Pentium 100MHz
9. Nightmare 5.3 Joost Buijs Netherlands Pentium 100MHz
10. Hector 2 Maarten Bults Netherlands Pentium 90MHz
11. Schaakmeester 3.X Lex Loep
Ger Neef
Netherlands Pentium 133MHz
12. MacChess 2.0 Wim van Beusekom Netherlands M68040 20MHz
13. Ant Tom Vijlbrief Netherlands Sun Sparc
14. Goldbar 95 Bart Goldhoorn Netherlands 486 50MHz
15. Zzzzz Gijsbert Wiesenekker Netherlands 486 33MHz
16. Bionic Hans Secelle Belgium Pentium 133MHz
17. Impakt Matt Casters Belgium M604 133MHz
18. Delta Fre Felkers Netherlands Pentium 90MHz
19. Morphi 1.3 Erik Walstra Netherlands Pentium 60MHz
20. Mato Grosso Evert van Heel Netherlands 486 66MHz
last update at 8/12/2002 2:43pm GMT